Drunk driving is the panacea for the world's over population problem. It can be one of the most rewarding ways to kill someone or kill yourself, because you can hit front page of the local paper and become an instant celebrity. In fact, if you're the drunk driver, you won't even become injured or killed, because you are so highly relaxed from all that booze you consumed that night at the party.
It is what you might call the blast of the week, it starts out with John who organizes the place and telephones buddies to let them know about the party.
Saturday night is already here and the party is well underway for the past several hours. Everyone at the party has their hand clutching some sort of alcoholic beverage and drinking it down as if it were a glass of water. One may ask, "What is a high school crowd doing drinking?" Well, it is the legal age to vote, to be drafted, to be arrested, and of course to drink.
It's still early in the evening and everyone is "feeling no pain" from all that booze consumed. By now, it is nine o'clock and Jane, John's girl-friend, needs to go home. She has to leave early due to the fact that she lives in the next town (nearly one hour) from the location of the party.
John and Jane both get into the car and take to the streets to play D.U.I… Not driving under the influence, but rather death upon innocent victims. Hurrying at the wheel, John guzzles down one last beer. Travelling down Main Street at approximately one hundred miles per hour, they knowingly kill two elderly people crossing the street.
“WHAT!” You said it's wrong, no it's not, those old people are bound to die anyhow. Racing down the street as if it were the German Autobahn, they kill children waiting for their parents to pick them up. You say this is wrong, like hell it is, it is right because the parents are still young and can have more children in the future.
To make Jane's eleven o'clock curfew, John and Jane kiss each other good-bye. The two got home safely while several innocent lives are taken. As John was going home, he turned on the radio only to hear that two elderly citizens and several children were killed by a hit-and-run driver. No guilt, no sympathy, he just drove home and went to sleep only to play the game of D.U.I. again, with the same crowd again and again and again...