"The journey is the reward."

- Steve Jobs

31 March 2018

I sit, I daydream, I stare out the window, a break between the TNT (today not tomorrow) expectation of my hectic tasks that clog my to do list. With endless interruptions of e-mails, phone calls and the entourage of those coming into my office, I try to find balance and peace in all that comes my way. Most seeking answers to their immediate anxieties, not the urgent emergencies they think they are, I sit, listen attentively, while I watch as time pulses by. I’ve been told I’m the even keel in turbulent waters as it does take a great deal to push me beyond my limits on patience, sympathy and understanding of the human condition. At the same time, my emotions are worn on my sleeve and are transparent to all those who seek answers, my advice or my words of wisdom from passing years.

Without realizing the dents, bruises and blemishes I may have left, I’ve been known to be curt and brash at times. Though I never regret the words I chose to say, sometimes they have slipped my lips faster than my brain had a chance to give consideration to any repercussions of it – for the good or the bad. Oddly my brain cannot process as fast as my lips release either positive or negative words. Sadly, like a sent e-mail, once it has left my lips it was unable to be recalled or marked up to be revised and resent. My choice of words always have been carefully lined up as my first defense in a realm filled with performers of various talents. Each passing year brings a whole new, different cast attempting to spin the same stories as if I hadn’t heard it before. What these cast members don’t realize the plot remains the same, year after year, with only a handful of changes thrown in to add something new to the challenge and make their story a tad bit more colorful.

Both life and time try to throw obstacles to try to detour you from your journey. Nor will life or time understand your journey, that’s fine. It is not their journey to take or make sense of – it’s yours. Just keep in mind these obstacles are simply blessings in disguises though some of them are full of maddening pain and profound sadness. Your heart may tell you one thing while your mind contradicts your gut’s desire to trust instinct over rationale. My thoughts is your heart will be too personal and the mind will over analyze but the gut instinct will never fail you.

My pocket watch, one without hands still seems to keep perfect time and moves certainly forward without flinching even a second to look back. At times, my curiosities peak as I gaze out my window as to where has all the time gone. It appears life just got in the way as time escaped before I even had a chance to catch my breathe. Without me realizing, I am now past my youth but not quite in my sun setting years, the days just seem to blend into weeks, which eventually just melt into a month and before I know it, another year has passed. My pocket watch chimes yet another hour past, the reflection of young ambition competes with accepting contentment and the ability to enjoy the simpler things in life. This is when I realize there comes a time in life to start downshift, to reprioritize what matters most. It's not money, it's not the title, it's not competitiveness and quantity but enjoying unassuming joys, quality friends, self-confidence and most importantly balance in all that you do.

As with everything, I’ve seen in my journey, its all a matter of which side of the looking glass you are viewing in from and what you see as you look out. Ultimately, I find the answers to my question, as the only constant in this life is change and time. Both escape without much fanfare but always leave its presence known, by leaving behind a memory which can never be taken away. Life and time will always find a way to get in the way of interrupting your dreams. Count on it and be prepared for it, but always maintain focus and press on towards living your life to its fullest regardless of what obstacles try to stand in your way because before you know it your time will be up and life just got in the way of you living your life to your fullest.


An artist's purpose is to evoke emotion and/or dialogue of the masterpiece created, without either, it's no longer art, let alone a masterpiece. This blog represents the author's original writing and makes no apology for posts resulting in experiencing a sense of discomfort when reading his own personal reflections, thoughts, affirmations, observations and opinions of his journey in finding his way through a complicated world, of his so called life. The author requests readers remain mindful of dates when a post was written. Many of the earlier posts were academic assignments with guidelines to uphold the integrity and standards of a specific writing style. One or a combination of formatting, rhyming schemes, syllable counts, themes and specific guidelines which were up to self-interpretation and self-discovery. This set the tone for the author's tone and unique writing style. He requests readers remain open-minded to viewpoints differing from their own. The author strongly believes "we can disagree and still remain friends" and welcomes respectful dialogue and questioning of his writings. However; hateful disagreement our outright dismissal or suggesting the author's writings are inherently wrong will not be tolerated and may not be conducive to constructive conversation.



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For information about me; go to https://www.YMeJourney.blogspot.com and read post titled, "TALES TOLD BY THE THIRD WHEEL, NOT A SPARE TIRE" .



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