"The journey is the reward."

- Steve Jobs

01 July 2021

The parable, which is not only relatable but connects my post with lives of my audience. YMeJourney has has been all about sharing my journey in life; the people, the places, the experiences Рthe good, the bad and the ugly Рno apologies (except to my high school Language Arts teacher, who probably cringes at my blog) for the clich̩s but often this too, is part of the written word of my journey.

Today’s words are about navigating my way through life as much as it’s about making every day count. I am certain we all put off things for tomorrow that we really should have done today. In a day where social media helps bring those far way, closer to us and drive those close to us, further away and when it’s easier to text than to pick up the phone to hear someone’s voice we find excuses in avoiding picking up the telephone to hear a beloved friend’s voice. One of my favorite sayings is life gets in the way of living. We often put off a telephone call to catch up with each other’s lives, because we find every excuse to do it maybe tomorrow.

As I browsed my social media feed over my morning cup of coffee this past Monday June 14, 2021 morning, I was saddened to have read and hear my friend Barbara Miller, a beloved former YMCA of Broward County employee passed away. Barbara worked with the Y for a number of years as the face of aquatics at our Downtown Y.

I was blessed to have her as a friend for nearly 30 years. Barbara was one of those who friends who instantly became my extended family. She was my own Mother’s twin that she never knew she had; both shared a birthday a day apart and experienced much the same events in their lives and often even crossed some of the most obscure life’s milestones around the same time. It was through her encouragement I renewed my swim instructor certification and in turn I helped her tackle her fear and learn how to use her first PC back in the mid 1990s. Despite the generational gap, we learned and shared with each other about our families, our careers and our life’s journey over a visit and sometimes over dinner.

She was instrumental in growing a learn to swim program to a countywide program, “Spring Splash - Learn to Swim” campaign. She forged partnerships with the county and many cities to join the Y in this annual event. She started backyard swim lessons and swim lessons at community pools for the newly chartered West Broward Y which started operating out of a small storefront office. After leaving the Y she went on to run programs with the City of Deerfield Beach from there retired to her happy place, her lake house up near Homasassa Springs.

May her light shine on her family and the many people who were touched by her infectious personality and enormous community impact. Godspeed Barbara - I am comforted knowing Doug was waiting with his arms ready to wrap around you and asking what took you so long to be home with him again.

Back to my point. A few years ago, I was told by one of my parents’ friends that life is much like a roll of toilet paper, the closer to the end, the faster it rolls. Don’t let the roll run out before you had a chance to pick up the telephone and reconnect with those who matter the most in your life.

Using AT&T’s slogan from years ago, “Reach out and touch someone”, I just did the very thing when I saw a familiar name but not a connected friend on social media who I haven’t spoken to in over 20 years. After a few moments of discomfort, I reached out to him and as its said genuine friends pick up exactly where they left off, regardless of how long its been. We sure have a lot of catching up to do before we can get to the present. But I think I speak for us both, it’s been so far great reconnecting and reminiscing. It's up to each of us to take the first step and make every day count, as life's only rewind button is a memory.

Here's to you my friend, may your light continue to shine on all of us who were touched by your beautiful presence.






An artist's purpose is to evoke emotion and/or dialogue of the masterpiece created, without either, it's no longer art, let alone a masterpiece. This blog represents the author's original writing and makes no apology for posts resulting in experiencing a sense of discomfort when reading his own personal reflections, thoughts, affirmations, observations and opinions of his journey in finding his way through a complicated world, of his so called life. The author requests readers remain mindful of dates when a post was written. Many of the earlier posts were academic assignments with guidelines to uphold the integrity and standards of a specific writing style. One or a combination of formatting, rhyming schemes, syllable counts, themes and specific guidelines which were up to self-interpretation and self-discovery. This set the tone for the author's tone and unique writing style. He requests readers remain open-minded to viewpoints differing from their own. The author strongly believes "we can disagree and still remain friends" and welcomes respectful dialogue and questioning of his writings. However; hateful disagreement our outright dismissal or suggesting the author's writings are inherently wrong will not be tolerated and may not be conducive to constructive conversation.



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For information about me; go to https://www.YMeJourney.blogspot.com and read post titled, "TALES TOLD BY THE THIRD WHEEL, NOT A SPARE TIRE" .



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