"The journey is the reward."

- Steve Jobs

15 April 2022

I could easily be a family member,
A friend, or your neighbor or someone else you know
Maybe that’s why I look familiar to you.

Robert is my name, perhaps we met once before,
Over there or was it around the next corner
But it could have been via social media.

Emerging a memory, still stirs your mind up,
Remembering all the details doesn’t matter
Though it keeps you awake when you should be sleeping.

Who am I? you are still pondering in your mind,
Knowing very well, you still recognize me but
Only to realize you still cannot pinpoint where.

Visiting you today, you kept staring at me,
Although, not about me, it’s seeing who you are
Creates an awkward silence between the small talk.

So, I suggested we get to know each other,
I began sharing about myself, who I am
Hoping too not be too pretentious or conceited.

Almost an hour passed before your very eyes,
Vowing to return the chance to share your story
Ending my turn, I shared my personal battle.

Did you know? you may have or haven’t heard of it,
I have diabetes, I’m not contagious nor
Am I going to die on you anytime soon.

But I’ll ask you respectfully please treat me like,
Everyone else and don’t offer your personal
Treatments, cures, lectures and horror stories.

Every day is a new battle with the dragon,
Staying focused and ahead by a step or more
Tackles it head on and wins me another day.

Yesterdays can’t predict todays or tomorrows,
Perhaps, it can help plan for the unexpected
Encounters with all the anythings and every things.

The lessons learned from those living, I share with you,
With every breath you take, each day is the present
Only because you die once but live every day.


I am,
Robert W Kovacs,
I have Diabetes, Type Two     



An artist's purpose is to evoke emotion and/or dialogue of the masterpiece created, without either, it's no longer art, let alone a masterpiece. This blog represents the author's original writing and makes no apology for posts resulting in experiencing a sense of discomfort when reading his own personal reflections, thoughts, affirmations, observations and opinions of his journey in finding his way through a complicated world, of his so called life. The author requests readers remain mindful of dates when a post was written. Many of the earlier posts were academic assignments with guidelines to uphold the integrity and standards of a specific writing style. One or a combination of formatting, rhyming schemes, syllable counts, themes and specific guidelines which were up to self-interpretation and self-discovery. This set the tone for the author's tone and unique writing style. He requests readers remain open-minded to viewpoints differing from their own. The author strongly believes "we can disagree and still remain friends" and welcomes respectful dialogue and questioning of his writings. However; hateful disagreement our outright dismissal or suggesting the author's writings are inherently wrong will not be tolerated and may not be conducive to constructive conversation.



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For information about me; go to https://www.YMeJourney.blogspot.com and read post titled, "TALES TOLD BY THE THIRD WHEEL, NOT A SPARE TIRE" .



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