July 01, 1993

Somewhere in a small arcadian town,
There’s a road by the name of Angela.
Lost somewhere in a large urban city,
Exists a road by the name of Stephen.
She chose one road, but he chose another,
Not seeing each other for years to come.
As the roads appear to merge together,
Dark shadows of their silhouettes appear.
They come to know another by sharing,
All of their lives happiness and sorrows.
The road brought them together forever,
Angela and Stephen now walk as one.
Two separate roads now yield into one,
Now known to us all as husband and wife.


June 17, 1993

So many times, I wondered about who are we,
`Till I realized our friendship was like that of
Everything two brothers brought up together by
Parents sharing strong values, tradition and love,
However, we're not brothers by family name.

Everything about us, seems to bring us closer,
Not only sharing our life's triumphs but downfalls
Just as if they're one in the same though we know they
Are all but two separate pieces of our lives,
Yet our lives have become fulfilled over the years.

Little did you or I know that when we first met,
An all awkward encounter would bring together
Not only a friendship, but something exciting
Growing over the years that we've known each other,
Enjoying and savoring times we shared thus far.

Life's twisted journey has only begun for us,
Rummaging through all the good and bad offerings
Only to be there for one another for what
Be each other's significant milestones as,
Each of us takes a separate path to being.

Rarely is someone able to find a true friend,
Though when it is found, it brings about fulfillment
Which continues to grow with each passing season
In what seems to be just such a short time we spend,
Living our lives on this majestic planet Earth.

Life's lessons are learned together through various,
Intimate moments of shared advice and insight
And taking each other's wisdom in helping us
Make our lives become more fulfilled with each other's,
Kept promises, shared secrets and tomorrow's dreams.

Only now as we grow in years together, I,
Value our friendship more than ever for priceless
Annuities it rewards us time after time
Creating a friendship unseparable by all,
Simply, it is not who are we? ... but who we are!

"The journey is the reward." - Steve Jobs
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