November 24, 2020
Dear President-Elect Biden:
Three weeks ago, when I went to bed on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, I was confident President Trump had succeeded in securing a second term. The states remaining in question appeared to be leaning towards the Republicans. There was no reason to believe these states would change overnight to favor the Democrats. President Trump actively campaigned with huge turnouts and to the much chagrin of our expert, did not follow pandemic safety guidelines. Let’s face it, Mr. Biden you hid in sheltered headquarters, your basement for much of the campaign season and did very intentional, limited interviews and further limited access rallies where numbers participating where limited due to pandemic concerns. I get it, with the pandemic – safety first – masks on, socially distancing from others etc., as we all must do our part to get the explosive numbers under control.
Although the numbers are in your favor, my opinion, is we will never really know who won the election as my belief is the American people lost the election. If you win, after days of receiving more ballots, the integrity of his election and our electoral process will forever be questioned by half of the country. If President Trump wins by going to the Supreme Court, preventing voter padding, his election will forever be questioned by half the country. Either way, our country will remain divided for another four years. I believe the political underground, over the past four years was already making headway on how to destroy the election processes to ensure the Democrat party will prevail. I am not talking about outside interference by Russia or any other country, but our own politician’s desire for political parties to be filled with selfishness and greed. In your speech you called for “a time to build, a time to reap and a time to sow. And a time to heal. This is the time to heal in America.” I see nothing but another four years of pointing fingers at each other and continued stagnation and blaming the other for not moving forward. Mr. Biden, what did you personally do when the newly elected President Trump called for the same to our nation when he was elected? Did your political distaste for the President-Elect prevent you from reaching out to work with him? Now that you are in the same quandary, what are you going to do to move the nation forward and extend the platitude of an olive branch to the other side? These seem to be just words thrown to the wind with recent inaugurations as the new administration transitions in and the previous administration begins exiting on the laurels of their achievements or their lack of.
Early voting was a great idea and one that brought out many new voters and was effective intentionally reaching new voters who may otherwise not have voted for a multitude of reasons. The record turnouts throughout the country proved coupled with number of ballots returned created the largest turnout of any election in history. Although though highly controversial, mail in ballots served its intended purpose, however; without national guidelines and established laws in handling early voting it was destined to be a recipe for failure. It was not a matter of which party gained or lost the most votes, but the challenges poised towards creating a system not fair to all Americans who voted. My thoughts of various rules counting votes past election day, no postmarks required, signatures not required in all states and duration allowed all opened up one election with a largely troubled outcome, ultimately planting the seeds of doubt in the minds of the voting American people. Do I believe President Trump has the right to a recount, certainly he does, notwithstanding what the winning party and mainstream media report. It appears the majority of individuals and the Democrat party forgot Senator Gore was offered the same right in 2000, when the race in Florida was razor close. But in the end the courts sided with how the people and the Electoral College voiced their choice. Prior to the Election Day your very own party stated if they would not win, the Democrat Party would not only concede the election, contest it and do exactly what the Republican Party is doing as we speak. There is a momentum growing of those who challenge our Constitution as nothing but an archaic document and will find ways to abolish the very system our founding fathers put in place to ensure equal and fair representation is had in our elections.
Permit me to be clear from the start, I am not a fan of the Biden/Harris platform. It is not personal and it’s simply I don’t agree with several key items which I felt were more in line with my own beliefs and values. The Democrat Party proved nothing but total disrespect for the Trump/Pence Administration starting from the election to his last days as the Republican candidate. Starting even before the Inauguration of President Trump, the Democratic Party has not done nothing but work against and find fault in his administration. Mr. Biden, could you imagine if you lead both parties and found common ground and worked together, what more may have been accomplished. As you stated repeatedly, together we can do so much more. Again, this obviously only applies when this is stated by the winning party as if it was an obligatory statement to offer comfort to the losing party and not something put into practice by the majority of politicians on both sides.
As a proud first-generation American, I consider myself to be an independent voter; slightly conservative but often have agreed to liberal items as well. I like to consider myself the gradient of Bright Red and Prussian Blue on Bob Ross’s pallet hitting the blank canvas for the first time. However; that being said, that’s another story for another time. I watched you deliver what appeared to be your acceptance speech to become our next President. I listened more attentively and respectfully than I believe most Democrat members of both the Senate and House of Representatives gave President Trump during his recent State of the Union address. What ever happened to working together as Americans? You seemed to keep this in the forefront of your rhetoric as its time to heal our country, bring unity to our country and mend broken relationships the current administration created. Repeatedly, I heard you say you don’t see red and blue, you see Americans and you will be the President for all Americans. Bare my redundancy to restate facts when four years ago, then President-Elect Trump also called for the same, but even before being inaugurated, Speaker of the House Pelosi stated she will bring impeachment proceedings against him for unfounded collusion and corruption.
Though mainstream media won’t bring it forward, the Democrat party used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on campaign and found other ways to work against the President. Do you recall the Democrat Party created a fake Russian dossier or the phone call to attempt to say there was pay to play with the Ukranian President, to support your unsubstantiated impeachment articles? Do you remember upon finishing the State of the Union address, Speaker of the House Pelosi disrespectfully ripped her copy of her speech on live television? As you would say Mr. Biden, “Come-On!” and why don’t you explain to the American people your involvement with your son, Hunter in the Ukranian deal? How is the mainstream media and social media dismissed and subdued this as nothing but tabloid worthy news and not having any merit to investigate? These same groups also point fingers at what some call tabloid television as they’re making up stories, but these media groups have uncovered hideous facts on what has been brewing for years. If there is nothing to hide, why the cover up? Remember, with time, the pendulum is set to swing to the other direction and truth has a way of surfacing outside the Beltway.
Over the last four years, I endured listening to your party, mainstream media and social media attack President Trump every day and finding fault at every opportunity. President Trump was elected under the premise he’s going to “clear the swamp”. I was not a fan of President Trump prior to his choice to run for President. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty I disagree with President Trump on but his faults didn’t impede on what I thought were legitimate successes he brought for our nation. I do not particularly like his self-fulfilling ego, his public speaking skills and his way of encouraging and enabling his supporters. I believed not being a career politician would be advantageous in rebuilding our nation after eight years of a stagnant Obama/Biden administration. You already made many promises to work both sides of the aisle and foresee a stronger and more unified nation and develop relationships globally to build more allies than enemies. In my lifetime, President Reagan was the model of what a successful politician and ultimately President is about. He manages to always to rank on the top five of most successful Presidents. During your speech you announced on Day One of your administration you will rollback and undo a majority of President Trump’s Executive Actions and work with both the houses of Congress to ensure this is done as expeditiously as possible to prevent any further damage to our country. This proves your partisan ties as you have failed to see not even one of President Trump’s successes, The facts stand, President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” was ridiculed by your party, but let’s review how he has made American great again during his term in office:
President Trump:
· brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
· the first President that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
· led the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president - ever.
· exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.
· turned NATO around and had countries start paying their fair share dues.
· neutralized the North Koreans, stopped them from developing a further nuclear capability, sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.
· turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of business back to the US, and revived the economy.
· accomplished the appointing of three Supreme Court Justices and close to 300 Federal Judges.
· lowered employment taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 for Married Filing Joint to $24,400 and caused the stock market to move to record levels over 100 times, positively impacting the retirements of tens of millions of citizens.
· fast tracked the development of a COVID Vaccine - it will be available within weeks, while we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.
· regained the respect and rebuilt our military which the Obama administration had crippled and had fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.
· uncovered widespread pedophilia in the government and in Hollywood, and is exposing worldwide sex trafficking of minors and bringing children home to their families.
· served the American people without taking a salary and has lost well over 2 billion dollars of his own money in serving this great country
· he brought bright minds together to share innovative ideas and listen to creative out of the box ideas like stopping the production of cars to make masks and ventilators for our country
Many utterly hate and despise him based on campaign promises he made and successfully accomplished many of them. How special of you. He put his personal businesses aside to help put our nation back on a successful trajectory. Many criticized his allowing some of his businesses going bankrupt or terminating operations, however; a good business person can teach the government an item or two about funding programs which no longer are relevant or not meeting the intended outcomes to be successful. In the business world its determining whether the business is worth putting more cash into a losing proposition with no intention establishing presence and ultimately gaining a profit. I am going to point fingers at you President-Elect Biden, please educate me what have you accomplished in your near 50 years of public service. I am having difficulty finding anything but speeches filled with empty promises, pointing at others for your lack of achieving success and disgraceful plagiarism. For President, I wanted someone not afraid to take ownership and do what it takes to make our country succeed by making us priority one, are you prepared to prove me wrong?
President Trump may not be a smooth talking hypocrite of a politician like most found within the Beltway but he is a strong leader who isn’t afraid to stand up to both domestic and international bullies and kick some ass when needed. As much as I love technology, I believe President Trump should have toned down his Tweeting on Twitter considerably and used the technology to his advantage by addressing his successes, not attacking mainstream media, making fun of political adversaries, creating division and the countless other negative tweets. I voted for President Trump because I felt at this time our country didn’t need an apologetic, spoken mentor, a war hero or a role model to look up to nor a fabricator. We needed someone not afraid to take ownership and make our country succeed by making us priority one and begin to effectively drain the proverbial swamp. President Trump gained nothing by campaigning and eventually becoming President of the United States of America. He vowed to serve you, me and all Americans alike, just as all candidates promise. I get it, you don't like him nor do the majority of Democrats and a fair share of Republicans too, for no other reason than he is not one of you, a career politician with an uncensored banter against what appears anything different than himself. He put his personal businesses aside to help put our nation back on a successful had nothing to gain by becoming President of the United States of America, other than his hopes to improve our nation as he stated, “Make America Great Again.”
Not only our politicians continue to be filled with corruption, liars, suffering and criminals but in recent times, mainstream media as well as celebrities have become partisan politicians speaking for their own agendas and becoming nothing but a hindrance to our political and election processes. If you Mr. Biden or President Trump are the best of what America has to bring as the top contenders for the nomination of your respective parties, it either tells us the smarter ones would not subject themselves to a position filled with as much adversity or those actually deciding to campaign for President as the final position fulfilling the definitive Peter Principle. I believe you are the latter, I truly believe you are nothing but an easy puppet for the Democrat Party to nominate during the convention and use you as a stepping stone for Senator Harris. Her far left views are more in line of today’s Democrat Party now than yourself and she is set to take over the White House at a moment’s notice. Speaker of the House Pelosi already placed a bill for an amendment to remove an unfit President. If you think this was done in the event President Trump contracted COVID-19, you are more naïve than I thought, as it was clearly to remove you, the elected President Biden, for possibly dementia and allow for a clear entry for Senator Harris to assume the role.
The agenda you set forth asks the global community to accept our apologies for the actions of our current President from pulling out of the Paris Accord and not participating in the World Health Organization. The effects of global warming are now being blamed on President Trump’s lack of participating of financially supporting such international groups or his policies which sought viable alternatives which may not economically damage our nation. His firm stance to ask nations to start paying their fair share, is not only sound practice but holds other nation’s accountable to their participation. Lastly, “listen to the science” has been words you used intentionally and consistently how President Trump handled the pandemic as well as global warming. I cringe how the Democrats play double standard by attacking President Trump’s rallies filled with those not complying with the recommended guidelines but how the mainstream media says nothing to those who are not so peacefully protesting.
Mr. Biden, you personally blamed President Trump for fanning the flames of racism and hatred and making the object of all persons like me, a white American male needing to apologize for our white privilege. According to your agenda, the root of problems in our society is against anyone whose is a white American male who through outright discrimination or implicit bias suppressed the rights of race, religion, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. This makes the Democrat party guilty of labeling me as the quintessential white-privileged citizen who is the root cause of systematic racism in our country. Come on, Mr. Biden, explain to me when one doesn’t agree with your political philosophy, we become white privileged, suppressed racist, xenophobe, homophobe, misogynistic, etc or as Senator Clinton called us, “a bunch of deplorables.” I should not be shamed into being called any one of many negatives terms aforementioned when I don’t agree with you and the Democrat Party’s philosophies any more as to label all brown/black or African-American (choose your identity of the month) citizens criminals and causing all the looting of their own neighborhoods and burning down of our inner cities. If you look to the statistics, the perceived violence law enforcement has against killing African-Americans, it just doesn’t hold ground. Social media and mainstream media continually portray law enforcement as them as barbaric murderers targeting our non-white population. Conversely, they fail to report on the extensive criminal records many of these individuals had prior to the confrontation and often portray them as law abiding citizens. Mr. Biden, its easy to back down and place blame on law enforcement for being at fault for all police actions against non white persons. Your way to solve this would be prioritizing to move defund traditional police departments, who are charged with “to serve and to protect” and to create ideal social enforcement programs which would be more aligned existing pragmatic community based programs. We continue to fund these existing community based programs repeatedly for decades and not see statistically significant measurable outcomes, but again, another story for another time.
Another one of your campaign promises was to increase benefits for the poor and offer more for the benefits for the working middle class. Free universal health care for all, free post-secondary education and higher minimum wage are all impressive undertakings which could nothing but increased taxing of working citizens, devaluing our economic engines of both currency and stock exchange, increased inflation of living expenses while further increasing our national debt. I do not think its the government’s job to create an enabled population which will depend upon our government for their survival, but to create a more self-reliant population which the government has its back on tough times. May I remind you; our country continues to be the land of opportunity where everyone is offered the opportunity to succeed. This is why millions of people continue to attempt to immigrate to our great country even at the expense of losing their life or family and often leave with nothing more than the clothes on their back and a small bag of personal belongings. Both my parents were one of these who legally left their homelands to our great country for nothing but a promised land of opportunity.
You and your administration already became a part of our history. Many have already vocalized your bridging the differences since the Presidential election. They feel proud to be an American for the first time in their lives and feel their lives will not be subject to systematic racism, anti-Semitism, religious persecution and rescinding of laws such as Wade vs Roe and those pertaining to LGBTQ. They feel their children will be guaranteed a better future based on the premise of the intentionally crafted words placed by your team on the teleprompters for you to discretely read. Our Native Americans have a saying, “What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird.” I fully agree and will further add, the eagle will always need both wings to soar over the donkeys and elephants, even if they resemble and act like turkeys. Our nation, always stood proud on the laurels of its citizens and recently we’ve become increasingly crippled by politicians finding it easier to become domestic partisans filled with polarized extremes and apologize on the international stage for what makes America great.
On a closing note, I hope you are afforded more respect for the office of President than your party given to President Trump. I am confident half of my family and friends will have vastly differing observations and opinions than myself, but that is okay. I anticipate they will be kinder and more accepting to differences, able to discuss sensibly and behave better as representatives of what Americans are than the political partisans which our government has become. I assume you will steer our nation in what’s best for this country, just as President Trump did despite so many working against him. Who knows maybe in four years, I’ll be writing a retraction and apology to what I wrote today and will be the one highlighting your success? I pray for your success, not because I support the Biden/Harris agenda but we as a nation, the United States of America depend on it, because for you to fail, we will all fail as nation.
Robert W Kovacs
first generation American, proud patriot