June 01, 2024

I patiently listened to the ocean’s vacant whispers,
With each wave cascading the shore, I waited for answers.
My mind and life’s questions ruminate in a daily fight,
Predictable like an ocean’s waves hammering the shore.

I watched the sun scream in silence, as it scrambled in pain,
While wrestling with the clouds, it once again, seized the sky's reign.

I stood up, wiped the sand off my feet and put on slippers,
Then walked the endless shoreline and shared private prayers.
My mind pondered all the decisions of my painful plight,
Every time I closed my eyes, only to say just one more.

Like a less than sharp dagger making the most painful cut,
My thoughts often filled my head with more questions of distrust.

I watched each wave repeatedly crash into the coastline,
Grasping at thoughts of not just all my lost years, but decades.
My fatigued feet cannot carry much more painful burdens,
When I tried rescuing lost time, before they washed out to sea.

With a quick swig of what’s just left in my bottle of rum,
I felt my entire body slowly was becoming numb.

I witnessed the sun when it fell below the day’s skyline,
Knowing tomorrow, I’ll become one of the renegades.
Living with no regrets, I requested a few pardons,
Leaving a legacy which can only be written by me.

I looked out to horizons as far as my eyes can see,
Answers majestically painted on the sky's marquee.

I sensed its vague, yet, familiar memorable message,
It escaped my eyes, when life got in the way of living.
My journey’s familiarity, kept it unnoticed,
When He gave me another chance at my own redemption.

I remained humble when I asked for the Lord’s forgiveness,
Considering how much remained in unfinished business.

After I fulfilled life’s lessons and prolonged pilgrimage,
Nostalgic memories filled my heart while reminiscing.
Familiar faces and faceless names now become focused,
Despite decades of divided distances, our bonds strengthen.

My ruminated questions, no longer need a lending ear,
As time no longer lets me listen for the wave’s whispers here.

"The journey is the reward." - Steve Jobs
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