This was strictly written for my blog. It was written as a 3 titled section of my blog’s post.
Section 1: Departments Titles, Positions and Roles
A simple list of by department of the various positions and roles I held over my tenure.
Section 2: Lessons Learned through Time
This part of the post is a rambling of 40 mix and match learned life’s experiences, lessons, observations, affirmations and some reflective thoughts as I near my last days.
Section 3: My Final Act: The Last Day
A free-form poem consisting of descending syllables per line. It started with 12 went down to one and then from one back to 12 and back to one again, for a total of 36 lines. When you look at the artistic representation of mountains and valleys of the poem, as if representing the highs and lows we all go through in life.
Section 1: Departments Titles, Positions and Roles
Summer Camp
junior counselor
senior counselor
assistant camp director
camp director
child care coordinator
Child Care
early childhood enrichment coordinator
pre-school director
extended day pre-k director
before and after school counselor
before and after school group leader
assistant site coordinator
site coordinator
site director
child care coordinator
program director
camp swim instructor
camp lifeguard
membership representative
front desk associate
teen club coordinator
youth in government coordinator
leaders club coordinator
21st CCLC program director
YES club program director
business development coordinator
systems director
compliance director
interim executive director
contract compliance director
grant administrator
DCF certified child care trainer in various courses
Y-USA certified trainer in various program and director level certifications
special projects director
human resources administrator
payroll/benefits administrator
aim for perfection by always doing your best
allow yourself to renew and reset by taking vacations
always be honest
arrive an hour early before a minute late
be genuine and sincere
be mindful of your surroundings
be patient with others
become an expert in one thing
build strong relationships
celebrate milestones and small wins
come prepared
cross train in other areas
don’t assume
don’t let exceptions become expectations
embrace change
everyone has something to contribute
exhibit empathy
find time every day to “do-you”
find your passion
greet anyone and everyone by name
keep in touch with those who touched you
know your audience
lead with integrity
leave everything and anything better than you received it
leave your legacy
remain adaptable and flexible
remain humble, yet be proud
remain respectful
seek a mentor or two, better yet be a mentor
show concern
show good manners (greetings, thank yous, etc.)
stay curious (hence my Curious George theme)
stay current in both life and your career
step out of your comfort zone
take calculated risks
take initiative
take ownership for you
take responsibility, own your actions
tomorrow is not guaranteed (in more ways than one)
volunteer outside of your work area (skills and organization
The surreal became all too real today.
I took a deep breath and let out a sigh,
Grabbing my lunch bag and my laptop,
As I walked out my home’s front door.
I walk into my office,
Greeting me were many,
Waiting to see me,
Share a story,
Or a hug.
For now.
I’m saying,
See you later,
With tears in my eyes,
I have tissues on hand,
Catching flood of tears flowing,
Down both of our cheeks as we spoke.
Between the farewells, I pack boxes,
I am unable to just throw things out,
As each piece I touch, flashbacks a memory.
Never thought I would feel sentimental mourning.
It feels like yesterday when my journey began,
But my just over forty years came to close,
As a loyal longstanding employee.
I reminisce fondly for my years,
From all the families I served,
To the staff members I trained.
The countless lifelong friends,
Who are family.
My legacy,
Sealed and my