November 21, 1991


Lose the commercialism,
cherish the happiness of

family and friends.


Share the shining of

togetherness and love.


Remember those who

aren’t with us anymore

with cherished memories

and thoughts of love.


Hold together and say,

“I love you!”

As you’ve never done before.


Share thoughts of

being together once again,

eating well,

staying healthy,

and prosperity to all.


Answered prayers,

Being blessed by the Lord,

for all the beauty,

He has brought you and I.



March 15, 1991


Hear the children's laughter?
Filled with joyous song of
Charity, love and hope
Of a brighter tomorrow.

Their lives only a blur
Of reality and love.
No time to grope or mope
Or to even show sorrow.

Hear the children's weeping?
Filled with desolate despair
Confusion and painful
Memories of the past.

No more children's singing
Only living a nightmare
Bound in a beautiful
Tapestry forever cast.

Hear the children's terror?
Filled with sleepless nights,
Queer feelings of isolation
In a world that doesn't care.

Leaving no room for error,
I see no more moon twilight,
Or anymore living motion.
Now I can start to prepare...

Hear the children's silence?
I invite death openly,
Bitterly cold, dreary and dark.
Inviting a better world.

Filled with less turbulence,
And chaos which closely
Resembles the landmark
Of what could only be hell uncurled.


February 02, 1991


Circles of companionship,
now armies of adversaries.
Now fighting amongst each other
for independence from each other.

The bitter blood,
stains of torn hearts.
Tormenting trials of pain
in establishing new friendships.

Greatly, I dream harmony,
towards humankind and
hearing children’s laughter bringing
smiles to grown-ups long broad faces.

Feelings I thought I had for you,
are now a shattered memory of
what was once a great friendship.

No more bloodshed,
fatherless daughters nor
motherless sons.

Just tranquility towards what
was once animosity
amongst my fellow friends.

I hold and guide the hand,
that once spoke of cold reality,
now it warms my heart to see
my friend’s neutral home of
prosperity of love
become part of me again.

How it was once bitterness,
keeping me from meeting you,
now your gentleness and
thoughts made it all come true.

Now, the time finally slipped away
from the hands of midnight to
what was once almost erupted
into a nuclear holocaust. 



January 31, 1991


His refuge is located under the
overpass of the interstate highway,
living with his few fellow companions.

His bad breathe was monstrously atrocious,
only smelling better then the dumpster
where he harvests his daily nourishment.

His body odor, not any better,
since his only clothing is limited
to exclusively what's on his back.

His soul possession consists merely of
the clothes on his back, spare change and a cross
bestowed to him by his own dear mother.

His purple heart, scarcely a memory
of the days of being a brave soldier
performing patriotic war duties.

His pride soared higher than the eagles fly,
yet, this is where society left him
when he came home from the courageous fight.

His past pride now diminished to despair
in thinking that tomorrow's another
day that he will battle for survival.
