January 07, 2021


January 7, 2021

Dear President Trump:

I am a proud first-generation American. I consider myself to be an independent voter; slightly conservative but often have agreed to liberal items as well. As I shared in my letter to President-Elect Biden, I like to consider myself the gradient of Bright Red and Prussian Blue on Bob Ross’s pallet hitting the blank canvas for the first time. However; that being said, that’s another story for another time. When I voted for you back in November 2016, it was because I was tired of what you call the “Washington DC Swamp” and I refer to as the career politicians consumed by lobbyists and those corrupted by complacencies of lifelong service. I believed in you as a non-career politician who would be more advantageous in rebuilding our nation after eight years of a stagnant Obama/Biden administration.

There is no doubt the Presidential Election of 2020 was our most divisive in our nation’s history and likely will never know if there were any fails in the election process. If you, President Trump or Mr Biden are the best of what America had to bring as the top contenders for the nomination of your respective parties, it either tells us the smarter ones would not subject themselves to a position filled with as much adversity or those actually deciding to campaign for President, as ones seeking the final position in fulfilling the definitive Peter Principle.

When I voted for you in the November 2020 election it was not because you were in touch with my own beliefs and values but because I felt you were the better choice to keep our country out of the hands of the progressive, socialist democrats. I strongly believe our founding fathers made the Constitution to be not only durable but flexible and interpretive to stand the winds of time. I do believe "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” and will always prevail victorious.

I want to make it completely clear, I was never a fan of you prior to your choice to run for President. I do not particularly like your self-fulfilling ego, your unpolished public speaking skills and your way of encouraging and enabling your supporters. I hoped your business intellect would shake up our politicians enough to get us back to making our country the greatest country in the world by not by pretentious claims but by being able to stand up and stand out proudly by our national achievements and our contributions to being a better global steward.

I voted for you again in November 2020, President Trump because I felt at this time our country didn’t need an apologetic, spoken mentor, a war hero or a role model to look up to nor a genial friend. For President, I wanted someone not afraid to take ownership and do what it takes to make our country succeed by being a strong leader who isn’t afraid to stand up to both domestic and international bullies and kick some ass when needed. We needed someone not afraid to take ownership and make our country succeed by making us priority and begin to effectively drain the proverbial swamp. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty more I disagree with you than I agree with you, but your faults didn’t impede on what were some legitimate successes you brought to our nation.

When I heard the election results the following morning, I felt strongly the American people lost in this election. Either way, the integrity of our election process will forever be questioned by not the Democrats or the Republicans of this nation, but the Americans who make up this nation. Our country will require more than one presidential term to unify our country after the division which tore us apart at the very seams that kept us together. My guess it will take another generation, a new generation of politicians who hold their position to the highest regard and act as first class statesmen or stateswomen and look out for the nation’s best interest not their own.

However; the legitimate successes in “Making America Great Again” you brought to our nation over your term as President was totally wiped out with your opting to do nothing but play chief bully since days post-election and then proved it again as the siege on the Capitol was playing out on live television in front of a global audience. Yesterday’s incident at the Capitol was a test of what your legacy will be as the 45th President of the United States of America. If anything, this brought the majority of Americans of both political parties together to rally against you with a small fragment of loyalists standing by you.

As I continued scanning various channels on my television and intermittently reading news while browsing the internet, my heartaches for us, us as Americans, not us as Republicans or Democrats or Independents, but us as Americans. Over the summer, the mass media opted to spin it against you and reported the riots as peaceful protesting; but reported yesterday’s events as our nation was being shaken to at its very core as these hoodlums who took over the grounds of the Capitol as if it were a third world government coup. In this case I believe, much like most Americans, the video and pictures spoke, in this case more than 1000 words. How are we are supposed to stand proud and be the beacon why people want to come and find opportunity in our country when our own elected President is not leading by example? I strongly believe, Americans as a whole are compassionate, charitable and hospitable people and not the mobsters at the Capitol, who placed our nation under what appears to be a national siege under their mercy.

The Biden/Harris platform blame you, President Trump for fanning the flames of racism and hatred and making me a white American male born to legally immigrant parents needing to apologize for white privilege rather than being celebrated for living the American dream. I grasped opportunities which many take for granted as Americans. Although, I whole-heartedly disagree of you being a person filled with enough hatred to be discriminatory or prejudice against any person. Nevertheless, your tweets often were heard as rally cries for radical racists in our country to surface and act as domestic terrorists. You should have toned down your tweets considerably and used the technology to engage your followers positively. The use of Twitter with your following could have been put to better use by addressing your successes, building harmony and constructing consensus amongst both political parties as opposed to all the negative tweets attacking mainstream media, making fun of political adversaries, creating division and the countless other destructive tweets.

It’s worth reminding you President Trump, both democracy and freedom are foundations of what marks our country as great. It has been stated democracy has to be learned by each generation and President Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It has to be fought for and defended by each generation.” When it’s time for you to leave the White House for the last time, I hope you realize your presidency was not about you. Your legacy you leave will have left its mark in history but our Constitution will always be stitching the seams of democracy and freedom for future generations to come.

As President Kennedy said, “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” I hope President-Elect Biden helps build the bridge to bring politicians from both sides to of the aisle to work together and do what’s right for us as Americans and for our country and not his own selfish dividing interests. I hope history will speak better of you as a person than your most recent actions as President of the United States of America. But for now, I pray for the Biden/Harris Administration success, not because I support their agenda, because our democracy and freedom depend upon it, because divided, we as a nation will fail, as will us as Americans.


Robert W Kovacs

first generation American, proud patriot

