November 08, 2016


Being a first generation American, I proudly hail my right, my responsibility and ultimately my duty to vote. It is something I don’t take lightly, as in our short, rich history many Americans fought for our freedoms and lost their lives for our country, the United States of America. I realize I am beginning to sound very cliché as I write but I make no apologies for the words I chose to use.

I find myself to be much like a private investigator when it comes to campaigns, I take time to look at each of the candidates across the definitive lines of republicans, democrats and independents and see where their agendas, wishes and direction is poised to move us as a community, state or nation. Once I determine who I wish to support, the one coming closest to my own personal values and the direction I would like to see us go in the upcoming years. The 2016 Presidential Campaign I found my choices of potential candidates became eliminated with each debate round and forced me to reanalyze and reselect the next possible best choice.

This campaign season appeared to be much longer than most but probably really wasn’t. With a lot of strong opinions held strong from start to finish and the constant bombardment everywhere you went, it just never seemed to end. For what we’ve seen during this campaign, it was a season filled with everything what our country is against and nothing about relevant issues. My opinion, it became nothing better than an elementary school popularity contest at the beginning of the primary season and ending as a playground brawl when the final debates and the campaigning concluded. Sadly, as Americans we are the ones who got hurt and dragged through this whole ordeal by being subject to such cynicism and negativity between the two top candidates.

When I left through my door this morning, I knew I was going to do the right thing when I got to the precinct polling station. I believe, like all other Americans, I voted for the best candidate who best lined up with what I desire in our future. Many may criticize my choice and are ready to tell me how my choice will ultimately destroy our nation through selfish deals or a nuclear war and it retrograde us fifty plus years back into the past. I will continue to stand by your right to voice your opinion which can only be heard by your voting your choice or advocating for your beliefs. The aftermath of the election will speak simply and in volumes of the workings of our democracy and will allow us the right to voice our choice.

As tonight’s poll’s close, the anxiety levels of many have escalated beyond anyone’s expectations. Both those who we cheered and for those we jeered will ultimately leave one side elated while the other will be devastated. It is still imperative to note, our country is still great despite not always having the proudest history, we’ve always managed to progress and become a stronger nation. The elected President, will ultimately be the face of our country in front of a global audience. As Americans, we have a choice to make, to be one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all or we can be show we are not one nation united, but one nation divided and fail and be the laughed at by a global audience.

I challenge everyone the day after the election, to be a little kinder to your neighbor, co-worker or friend and to make the world a better place and bury the spew against someone who disagrees with you. Those of you defriending your friends on social media because of their political views, I hope it's only there and not in real time. I can only hope the bonds of friendship can last over time and not be tested with what was a difference in opinion. Find a way to pay it forward with kindness to all. Use your dissatisfaction or elation of the results of the election to continue to fight for your beliefs and actively participate and be an agent of change by sitting on various boards, committees etc of your political choosing and beliefs. After all, I’d like to believe we are first Americans and partisan second.

When we wake up tomorrow morning, history will have been made regardless of who wins. Wednesday morning will be like every other weekday morning, as if nothing changed. With a coffee in hand and hurry to go on with our routine, so we won’t be late to our next destination, our lives will go on pretty much the same. Then once we settle down into our daily grind, we can put our sparring arms down, heed to being a country who tolerates, respects and embraces diversity and then ultimately begin to heal as a nation. As I tuned in to watch the coverage of the election, I already heard talk about the next election season, leaving a nation soon forgetting the decisiveness and differences we just left behind. The only reminisce of 2016 will be the meritocracy and stories of what brought us together, leaving us right where we were last time this story was told, only the day before yesterday.

As for whom I voted for, well may be it’s the right person who is left and the one left will be the right one.

… now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
